2023 Zart Conference Reflection

Post by: Bronwyn Packwood
Contact Email: bronwyn.packwood@education.nt.gov.au


September 20, 2023

I love Zart conference and I love attending with AENT. There are so many good take aways from the Zart conference. I love that we get together in a shared space, it gives us the time to chat about art and teaching art.
Patricia Piccinini was an exceptional key note, speaking at length about her personal art practice and even mentioning the guiding influence of her high school art teacher. Reflecting with peers about ideas and topics that came up during the key note sessions was valuable.
It is fun doing the break out sessions together and I love looking at what other people chose and how their session went.
This year I did Alex Karaconji: Visual Storytelling. In this session Alex lead us through various exercises to create emotion through line and media choice. We then had to make a comic strip depicting an ordinary, mundane occurrence or task. I was out of my comfort zone and learnt so much and came away with a successful comic strip. I will definitely incorporate the comic strip ideas I learnt into my future programming.
