Artwork Title: Portrait
Artist: Terrance Talbot
Artist Statement:
Portrait created using water soluble graphite and ink.
Art Educators of the NT
Artwork Title: Ophelia Unaware
Artist: Lily Topham
Artist Statement:
The hands pulling the masked girl underwater were not added with any intent of a meaning; but I feel as if they help to show her lack of a struggle. Even in her last, seemingly peaceful moments of life, she isn’t allowed to be by herself, leaving life in a peaceful manner. Along with the dark water, the hands help to sort of portray the mindset of Ophelia; mad with grief, driving her to her death.
Artwork Title: Lyre bird Pink
Artist: Dakota Watson
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Rainbow Lorikeet
Artist: Cindy Li
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Budgerigar
Artist: Charli Morabito
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
Artist: Emily Phillips
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Green Parrot
Artist: Yundi Xing
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Emu
Artist: Keira Pascoe-Bell
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Barking owl
Artist: Isla James
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Blue Kingfisher
Artist: Emanouil Giannikouris
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Wedge Tailed Eagle
Artist: Jack Fitzpatrick
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.
Artwork Title: Lyrebird
Artist: Tamryn Foster
Artist Statement:
Year 4 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer. An Australian bird was then chosen to create a portrait style artwork inspired by Cromer’s work. Students used watercolours to paint their own paper to use for their collages and glued to a coloured background.