Post by: Angelina Naidu
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September 22, 2024

Thank you once again to AENT for supporting us to attend this always inspiring annual event!

My overall takeaway was the wealth of references to learn more about, from Peter O’Connor and Daniel Browning – exciting.
“When we think, feel and embody other possibilities we can imagine ways to change our world for the better”.
Peter’s work really resonates with how I initially got into teaching and reminded me of the IBO ethos of education, (where I started my teaching career) and that there was nothing stopping me from working these concepts into my current classes. It is so important that students learn to see multiple perspectives on any single topic. I missed quite a bit of Peter’s presentation due to connectivity issues – if anyone has some notes they could share with me of people and topics he mentioned, I would be most grateful!

Daniel very articulately spoke about issues that would resonate with many of my students.
It was a reminder to use artists and artworks in my English teaching as well to create a space for my students to present their own voice in their writing and artwork.
I am going to more consciously provide a space for my students to comment on the spaces they occupy and create spaces that they can occupy

From the 2nd day’s closing speakers my takeaways were:
• ideas for EAL/D speaking – poetry slams
• Autonomy, competence and belonging: foster students to answer these things about themselves
• Explore these guest artists’ work and use in my teaching
• Representing diversity in our teaching content
• A place for every story and a story for every place

1) Re-thinking the portrait: Fiona McMonagle | Re thinking the portrait
Ink is a medium I love to work with. This session really inspired me to go back to it and to also use it more with my students and allow them to explore it’s possibilities. Currently in line with my own goals of animating drawings with students. Will need to explore her work.
2) Kirthana Selvaraj: Figurative Expressions.
A wonderful experience of using water-based oils for the first time and enjoying the simple pleasures of just painting. A wonderful medium I can use with my EAl/D students and self-portraits being a constructive context to set goals, self-esteem and develop literacy.
Unfortunately, I was at work and missed actually doing most of the practical, but I am determined to do the activities in the holidays.
I am going to paint these holidays! 😊 (teaching English for the last two years, I haven’t done as much as I would have like to)
