Full of Possibilities from NVAEC 2024

Post by: Jemima Saunders
Contact Email: jemima.saunders@education.nt.gov.au


January 26, 2024

NVAEC 2024 overflowed with joy and possibilities. It was so wonderful to connect with Art Educators from across Australia and abroad. It was an excellent opportunity to foster relationships with Art Educator Associations from other states and discuss our unique contexts, and also the common threads we all have.
As a workshop presenter at the conference it was a chance to share some of the research and development that I have been doing in the NT regarding the teaching of idea generation with educators from a variety of different locations and contexts. The experience resonated with the participants and was validating for me, and has inspired me to keep following this path in 2024. I am excited to develop this as a workshop for AENT members later in the year. Tony Albert’s keynote was a stand out for me, the generous advocate nature of his practice was very impactful. I caught up with an ex student who was working in the curatorial team at NGA and now a lecturer at ANU. It is so lovely as a teacher to see the heights our students can reach, and just a further reminder the importance of what we do as Art Educators.
