Artist: Korin Lesh
Mediums: Gouache, acrylic and posca pen on board
Dimension: 35cm x 45cm x 5cm
Price: $ 180.00
Artist Statement:
This painting was completed as part/after an AENT online drawing workshop with Mandy Rains.
Art Educators of the NT
Artist: Korin Lesh
Mediums: Acrylic Gelli Print
Dimension: 55cm x 65cm x 4cm
Price: $ 550.00
Artist Statement:
Covid restrictions have made gardens special havens for those couped up and great meeting places for loved ones when the opportunity arises. My Mum’s garden has been her entertainment, her respite and her social space. This January I was fortunate to be able to visit her and we made Gelli prints with fresh cuttings from plants and weeds that are flourishing in the wet NSW summer, such a contrast to the memories of drought and fires when I was last able to be there.
Artist: Korin Lesh
Mediums: Acrylic Gelli Print
Dimension: 55cm x 65cm x 4cm
Price: $ 550.00
Artist Statement:
Covid restrictions have made gardens special havens for those couped up and great meeting places for loved ones when the opportunity arises. My Mum’s garden has been her entertainment, her respite and her social space. This January I was fortunate to be able to visit her and we made Gelli prints with fresh cuttings from plants and weeds that are flourishing in the wet NSW summer, such a contrast to the memories of drought and fires when I was last able to be there.
Artist: Lucy Found
Mediums: Photography
Dimension: 60cm x 85cm x 2cm
Price: NFS
Artist Statement:
I have always felt so moved by this passage from T.S. Eliot’s ‘Little Gidding’ (of Four Quartets)
Through the unknown, remembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
This place of quiet remembering; between two waves of the sea, connects me to a stillness that can be felt, even in raging ocean.
Artist: Evelyn Woodley
Mediums: Acrylic and fluid ink on birchwood
Dimension: 40cm x 40cm x 2cm
Price: $ 85.00
Artist Statement:
Nurture, the action or process of nurturing someone or something. As an art educator, we find ourselves often lost in the works of our students, paving the way for their creative journey and explorations. This work is inspired by the skills I have been sharing with my students, fabric patterning, layering, repetition and the use of harmonious and tinted colour schemes. The subject, a juxtaposition of Australian flora, is a direct connection to my students, their growth and my own ever evolving arts practice.
Artist: Loredana Ducco
Mediums: Watercolour paint, ink, pen on watercolour paper
Dimension: 7.2cm x 84cm x 1cm
Price: NFS
Artist Statement:
My work meanders across different scales, exploring human connections through culture, conversations, relationships, languages, materials and spatial configurations.
Miniature mind walk concertinas a memory of Arnhem country, places I have been living in and learning about. This landscape story can be viewed in bites or as a whole panorama.
Artist: Sarah Taylor
Mediums: Resin, Dried Flowers and Surgical Stainless steel hooks
Dimension: 5cm x 5cm x 4cm
Price: $ 55.00
Artist Statement:
Flowers are often given as a gift commemorating moments. To help nurture loved one back to health. To declare admiration for another. To farewell and well wishes on the next journey ahead. To celebrate another year older and wiser. To congratulate a new arrival. Yet they die after a matter of days. I try to preserve them so they are not fleeting moments, but memories to cherish well after.
Artist: Sarah Taylor
Mediums: Dried Flowers, Resins and Surgical Stainless Stud posts
Dimension: 5cm x 5cm x 4cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
Flowers are often given as a gift commemorating moments. To help nurture loved one back to health. To declare admiration for another. To farewell and well wishes on the next journey ahead. To celebrate another year older and wiser. To congratulate a new arrival. Yet they die after a matter of days. I try to preserve them so they are not fleeting moments, but memories to cherish well after.
Artist: Sarah Taylor
Mediums: Resin, Dried Flowers and Surgical Stainless Steel Hoops
Dimension: 5cm x 5cm x 5cm
Price: $ 50.00
Artist Statement:
Flowers are often given as a gift commemorating moments. To help nurture loved one back to health. To declare admiration for another. To farewell and well wishes on the next journey ahead. To celebrate another year older and wiser. To congratulate a new arrival. Yet they die after a matter of days. I try to preserve them so they are not fleeting moments, but memories to cherish well after.
Artist: Sarah Taylor
Mediums: Digital Print
Dimension: 30cm x 90cm x 1cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
To grow, you need to nurture yourself. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. These macro images, inspired by artists Imogen Cunningham and Georgia O’Keefe, abstract the plants to metaphorically symbolize the growth process for an individual as a journey and a beautiful one at that.
*** Price is per print with 4 prints of each available***
Artist: Bronwyn Packwood
Mediums: Botanical printing on cotton
Dimension: 50cm x 60cm x 2cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
This eco skirt was produced by using botanical dyeing techniques on recycled cotton fabric. Botanical dyeing is an interesting process, and it is not until each dye package is unwrapped after boiling that the surprise and magic is revealed.
Bronwyn Packwood is a local middle school teacher who loves recycling and making wearable textiles.
Artist: Bronwyn Packwood
Mediums: Botanical printing on cotton.
Dimension: 70cm x 60cm x 2cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
This eco skirt was produced by using botanical dyeing techniques on recycled cotton fabric. Botanical dyeing is an interesting process, and it is not until each dye package is unwrapped after boiling that the surprise and magic is revealed.
Bronwyn Packwood is a local middle school teacher who loves recycling and making wearable textiles.
Artist: Bronwyn Packwood
Mediums: Botanical printing on cotton
Dimension: 60cm x 60cm x 2cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
This eco skirt was produced by using botanical dyeing techniques on recycled cotton fabric. Botanical dyeing is an interesting process, and it is not until each dye package is unwrapped after boiling that the surprise and magic is revealed.
Bronwyn Packwood is a local middle school teacher who loves recycling and making wearable textiles.
Artist: Bronwyn Packwood
Mediums: Botanical Dyeing on cotton
Dimension: 50cm x 60cm x 2cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
This eco skirt was produced by using botanical dyeing techniques on recycled cotton fabric. Botanical dyeing is an interesting process, and it is not until each dye package is unwrapped after boiling that the surprise and magic is revealed.
Bronwyn Packwood is a local middle school teacher who loves recycling and making wearable textiles.
Artist: Bronwyn Packwood
Mediums: Botanical Printing on cotton
Dimension: 50cm x 60cm x 2cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
This eco skirt was produced by using botanical dyeing techniques on recycled cotton fabric. Botanical dyeing is an interesting process, and it is not until each dye package is unwrapped after boiling that the surprise and magic is revealed.
Bronwyn Packwood is a local middle school teacher who loves recycling and making wearable textiles.
Artist: Bronwyn Packwood
Mediums: Botanical print on recycled cotton
Dimension: 50cm x 60cm x 2cm
Price: $ 60.00
Artist Statement:
This eco skirt was produced by using botanical dyeing techniques on recycled cotton fabric. Botanical dyeing is an interesting process, and it is not until each dye package is unwrapped after boiling that the surprise and magic is revealed.
Bronwyn Packwood is a local middle school teacher who loves recycling and making wearable textiles.
Artist: Janie Andrews
Mediums: Handmade tile mosaic
Dimension: 50cm x 60cm x 60cm
Price: $ 350.00
Artist Statement:
The nature around us nourishes and nurtures us constantly as we move through stressful times. These chirpy Cockatoo Tables have been made with inspiration from the cacophony of bird call that calls out at dawn and at dusk around my bush block, keeping my spirits uplifted as each day begins.
Artist: Veronica Hodges
Mediums: Mixed Media on Paper
Dimension: 23cm x 23cm x 2cm
Price: NFS
Artist Statement:
As a Certified Zentangle Teacher, ® I can show you, friends and family, in just a few of hours, how you can create this piece yourself and they would all be uniquely similar but different. In nurturing your inner creativity, an artist is within. Contact Veronica Hodges on 0419832953 for more info.
Artist: Nathan Poulter
Mediums: Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 30.48cm x 40.64cm x 1.5cm
Price: NFS
Artist Statement:
As symbols of charity, truth, friendship and love, modern interpretations of the heart and hands are so frequently seen in marketed media that they have begun to lose their spiritual impact. This work was an attempt to bring more emotional weight to these symbols through focusing on the physicality of gifting one’s own heart.
Artist: Tina Trudgen
Mediums: Acrylic on Canvas
Dimension: 121cm x 91cm x 5cm
Price: $ 230.00
Artist Statement:
This piece is a contemplation of all the things that calm, refresh or renew me. Nature being a big part of that, but also relationships with others and particularly women, represented by the weavings in the background layer. Weaving and crafts, sitting around with others making things is very nurturing for the individuals involved but also the community it creates.
Artist: alison dowell
Mediums: Found Objects
Dimension: 19cm x 6cm x 6cm
Price: $ 45.00
Artist Statement:
This little op shop carving started out as Vincent Van Gogh’s lonely figure in the fields. Now these colours of blue and yellow remind us of the Ukrainian flag and the present unfolding human tragedy. The rich Ukrainian soils and perfect climate nurtures the seeds that grow the wheat, corn, potatoes that help feed the world. Ukraine is one of the world’s largest producers of sugar beets and sunflower oil.
Artist: alison dowell
Mediums: pen and watercolour on paper
Dimension: 30cm x 40cm x 2cm
Price: $ 160.00
Artist Statement:
After going through a rough separation, Laureen welcomed me into her home. I spent a year living there with her and her two daughters, and their menagerie of dogs, cats, bearded dragons, snakes, fish and chickens. I will be forever grateful to this beautiful family for accepting me into their gentle, nurturing atmosphere where I was able to heal, rebuild my life and continue to make art.
Artist: Kim Boardman
Mediums: Illustrated jewellery
Dimension: 4.5cm x 2.5cm x 1cm
Price: $ 49.00
Artist Statement:
Jellyfish get a bad rap in the NT, but my kids have helped me rediscover their beauty, and introduced me to the Immortal Jellyfish. It’s possible one may have been alive since long before the dinosaurs, and will live potentially forever! I have tried to express the fragility and individuality of these amazing creatures through a range of unique species found around the world.
Artist: alison dowell
Mediums: found objects
Dimension: 10cm x 6cm x 6cm
Price: $ 35.00
Artist Statement:
Bear and dove adrift on zebra rock with palm tree. Says it all really. In this crazy mixed up 2022 world, celebrating moments of tenderness between unlikely creatures, thrown together by circumstance and finding each other in unlikely places.
Artist: alison dowell
Mediums: lino print
Dimension: 10cm x 18cm x 2cm
Price: $ 45.00
Artist Statement:
When my first child was a few weeks old, I took part in a lino printing workshop at DVAA. I carved the lino with him asleep next to me and then printed the image onto a page from an old school atlas showing an industrial landscape. Reflecting on how my amazing, emotional experience was shared by millions of mothers past, present and future and how we somehow float about over the landscape in those first few crazy months.
Artist: Janie Andrews
Mediums: Upcycled fabrics, glass bead filled bags
Dimension: 30cm x 60cm x 15cm
Price: $ 95.00
Artist Statement:
As we move through this strange time of pandemics, we turn to comfort with animals such as dogs. These weighted soft sculptures are designed to nurture us, to be provide calm and comfort both adults and children with the magic weight of 2 kilos feeling like you are holding a real animal in your lap.
Artist: alison dowell
Mediums: found objects
Dimension: 20cm x 10cm x 15cm
Price: $ 35.00
Artist Statement:
Nurture their adventurous spirit, sometimes while holding your breath. I had two ‘adventurer’ children, I often had a moment of holding my breath, crossing my fingers, willing them to stay safe and come to no harm.
Artist: Jane Kennedy
Mediums: Mixed technology and lightbulbs
Dimension: 20cm x 30cm x 30cm
Price: -$ 80,120.00
Artist Statement:
These mixed media sculptures were a response to what was coming out of the media and the many conversations about Covid 19. They were created during lock down with left over pieces from a previous series of mixed medium sculptures. I intended to have a bit of fun with the corona virus and it was a response to the doom and gloom. The form of the corona virus is quite beautiful, named Corona because of its crown like appearance. Here are some different ‘variants”, some more dangerous and some more gentle.
Artist: Jane Kennedy
Mediums: Mixed electronic parts and flashing lights
Dimension: 70cm x 30cm x 30cm
Price: NFS
Artist Statement:
Viruses have made their way into our world in more ways than we realise. In recent times something as tiny as a virus has managed to bring the world to a holt. As well biological,there are the technology viruses. They have evolved to become a major threat to the stability of computer networks worldwide. And the more I think of viruses, both biological and digital, the more amazed I am by their similarities. I have played with our fear of the unknown and of what we can’t see and I have created viruses from discarded technology. These viruses were created just befere we knew about Covid 19, so I thought I might bring them out of hiding.
Artist: Veronica Hodges
Mediums: Mixed Media
Dimension: 47cm x 35cm x 2cm
Price: $ 250.00
Artist Statement:
Creating nurtures the soul, relaxes the body and rests the mind from our fast paced world. This piece envelopes several techniques of watercolour and mixed media to create an artwork I hopes draws you in to examine the elements and create calm to the viewer.
Artist: Anne McMaster
Mediums: lino print
Dimension: 25cm x 25cm x 2cm
Price: $ 90.00
Artist Statement:
Palm trees are a fascination to be, I love their shape and the aesthetics of the tropics. Nightcliff palm is a stylized representation of the many varied palms is see on my beach walks. The notion of Nurture is captured with growth, health and happiness.
Artist: Marion Ellery
Mediums: Acrylic, Pencil and Paper on Acrylic
Dimension: 35.6cm x 45.7cm x 3.7cm
Price: $ 150.00
Artist Statement:
Living in the Northern Territory, we are spoilt by a range of outdoor places to explore. It is our responsibility to nurture these natural beauties because if we don’t, they will deteriorate before our very own eyes.
Last year, I went to Nitmiluk National Park for the first time. My eyes were instantly blessed as everywhere I looked was an incredible sight. This painting captures one of the many photos I took that day. I was mesmerised by the shadows on the water and how they changed as the sun set.
Artist: Tina Trudgen
Mediums: Acrylic paint on Canvas
Dimension: 121cm x 91cm x 3cm
Price: $ 230.00
Artist Statement:
This is an abstract work exploring the collections of things I surround myself with in an attempt to nurture myself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Its a nest of mess and all the little and big things that make up my life internally and externally, in a visual form.
Artist: Adrienne Wade
Mediums: Encaustic and shellac on board
Dimension: 20cm x 30cm x 2cm
Price: $ 400.00
Artist Statement:
The male crested pigeon, a central Australian local, is one smooth operator. He epitomises chivalry, bowing and scraping to his mate, serenading as he waltzes around her in a vane effort to prove his worth.
Artist: Adrienne Wade
Mediums: Encaustic and shellac on board
Dimension: 27cm x 15cm x 2cm
Price: $ 400.00
Artist Statement:
The courtship of the brolga: leaping, arching, calling, flapping and showing off. Showmanship is paramount in order to win a mate; if you don’t have the moves on the dance floor you miss the opportunity of having fun. A parody to the nightclub scene in the human world, the movers and shakers attract the most attention.
Artist: Adrienne Wade
Mediums: Encaustic and shellac on board
Dimension: 20cm x 20cm x 2cm
Price: $ 300.00
Artist Statement:
Don’t we all wish a mate would woo us like the male Greater Bower Bird does his potential partner: build us a ‘woo’ house, shower us with gifts and jewels, and attend to our every whim. Then build yet another home suitable to raise the children. What a male!
Artist: Marion Ellery
Mediums: Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 30.5cm x 40.6cm x 1cm
Price: $ 50.00
Artist Statement:
When I first thought of nurture, I thought of a butterfly. I brainstormed creating a butterfly looking dim and dark, as if it hadn’t been nurtured. I decided I want to encourage people to nurture and so this would be the message I would send in my painting. My butterfly needed to be colourful and so my design was formed. We cannot take natural beauty for granted but we must nurture it so we can continue to enjoy it.
Artist: Marion Ellery
Mediums: Acrylic, pencil and paper
Dimension: 35.6cm x 45.7cm x 3.7cm
Price: $ 150.00
Artist Statement:
Living in the Northern Territory, we are spoilt by a range of outdoor places to explore. It is our responsibility to nurture these natural beauties because if we don’t, they will deteriorate before our very own eyes. Last year, I went to Nitmulik National Park for the first time. My eyes were instantly blessed everywhere I looked. This painting captures one of many photos I took that day. I was mesmerised by the shadows in the water and how they changed with the different light.
Artist: Veronica Hodges
Mediums: Watercolour
Dimension: 50cm x 65cm x 2cm
Price: $ 400.00
Artist Statement:
Our Earth needs us all to nurture the many elements to keep a balance between our existence together. Veronica has expressed an atmospheric sense of calm waters with feeding fish for the hope of tomorrow’s future joy. It is up to us all daily to choose now for a better future. Veronica prefers to use watercolours on 100% cotton paper for her art practice or her own handmade papers
Artist: Debbie Walter
Mediums: Acrylic on canvas with techno object
Dimension: 60cm x 50cm x 4cm
Price: $ 300.00
Artist Statement:
These works grow from thoughts that when one reflects on their mortality, that now more than ever this needs to expand to include what we nurture and consideration for the impact we leave on the earth, other people and other times – the mark we leave for the future.
With the new era of the Anthropocene one’s concern for the trace they leave should extend to include an awareness that currently plastic and technofossils are being embedded in the Earth’s crust, set to become humankind’s geological legacy. I depict this through suggested/abstracted landscapes, as if a cross section view.
Artist: Debbie Walter
Mediums: Acrylic on canvas with techno object
Dimension: 75cm x 50cm x 4cm
Price: $ 325.00
Artist Statement:
These works grow from thoughts that when one reflects on their mortality, that now more than ever this needs to expand to include what we nurture and consideration for the impact we leave on the earth, other people and other times – the mark we leave for the future.
With the new era of the Anthropocene one’s concern for the trace they leave should extend to include an awareness that currently plastic and technofossils are being embedded in the Earth’s crust, set to become humankind’s geological legacy. I depict this through suggested/abstracted landscapes, as if a cross section view.
The Art Educators of the NT (AENT) is a Professional Teachers Association for Visual Art educators. Focusing on visual art teaching practice.