What a fantastic conference. I got lots out of this and will definitely try and come again next year.
My biggest take-away today is from Harriet Body’s workshop, Practice, Practice and that is that I can say ” I am an artist.” I am a busy working mum with three children who all play sport and do extra curricular activities. So don’t find that much time to Practice. I often struggle with the notion of “If you don’t practice you are not an artist.” But after listening to Harriet’s views on conceptual art and the view that teaching is art. I can shout out that “I am an Artist.” I sew, I Knit, I draw, I paint, I collect, I choreograph, I plan, I design, I do stop motion, I sculpt, I do photography , I screen print but the process that takes most my time and what I find to be most passionate about is the art of teaching. Thanks Harriet for allowing me to call myself an artist.
I really enjoyed Peter O’Conner and resonated with the views about imagination.
1. It is the bridge between the past and the future.
2. Without imagination there is no future.
3. The space in between imagination and knowing is where the rich learning happens.
4. Imagination sits at the center of Hope.
5.Imagination is to see ourselves as others, Empathy.
I will take to my classroom lots of activities that I have learnt. I will also try and do a PD for the other teachers and get them to either do an embroidery classroom or a classroom trophy.