Artist: Tina Trudgen
Mediums: Aluminum sheeting and acrylic paint
Dimension: 62cm x 31cm x 1cm
Price: $ 38.00
Artist Statement:
If the miraculous appearance of the Gouldian Finch wasn’t enough to save a special place that beautiful creatures dwelled, what would have been? What’s it going to cost to get them all back when they are gone and the future children what to see them… its ok they’ll be in museums to see.
16x panels $38 each
Swamp tiger butterfly, Zebra Finch
Mud crab, Red tailed black cockatoo, Forest kingfisher
double barred finch
black footed tree rat, Red backed fairy wren
rainbow bee-eater, Gouldian finch, Red winged parrot
painted grasshawk, Crimson finch, Chestnut breasted Mannikin
red-tailed black cockatoo, Northern dwarf tree frog