I attended the Zart conference day 2.
It was wonderfully enriching to be surrounded by other art educators as it always is.
Highlights included Jasmine crisps drawing workshop. She was incredibly open, generous and wise. The simplicity but considered nature of the approaches to the 3 drawings activities left me feeling so inspired.
Hearing Peter speak so frankly about the state of the education system and the way art can be so powerful
In the space was validating and affirming
Unlucky Charm
Artist: Samantha Galletly
Mediums: Gouache on board
Dimension: 17cm x 27cm x 2cm
Price: $ 160.00
Artist Statement:
This work is symbolic of the potential loss of the habitat of the gouldian charm (collective noun) that currently reside at Lee Point.
The invisible branch subtle communicate this loss in stark contrast to the vivid colours the finches present.
NVAEC 2023
Given I have been outside of the art and classroom space for some time it was such an enticing experience getting to see key notes in person. Tony Albert was such a standout, his generosity and passion left me wanting to start a standing ovation. When I return to the art classroom he will absolutely be a the top of my list for artist to investigate.
In terms of application to my classroom practice in a casual capacity (at Milkwood) the break out session creative starting points with Nicole Barrikat offered such wisdom in her invitation to play. All of the drawing activities and ideas ignited something in me as a creative that I haven’t experience for a while. the first invitation was so simple but perhaps my favourite, the artist places groups of. randoms object on table to be collected in silence and to simply start arranging them, then you were invited in silence to collaborate with others. I will be adding these ideas and inspiration straight my arsenal as they would be perfect for any year level. Overall being able to particulate in this conference with other AENT members was a major factor in having such an enriching experience.
Zart conference reflection
Cassies idea of aligning your own passions and practice with what is happening within the classroom was interesting to consider… both practical workshops were not only enjoyable but got me excited to teach again.
The panel discussions on day 2 was perhaps the most inspiring in term of being a female artist generally speaking. It was so enriching and Gave me lots of new artists to consider in future teaching units.
oh my gourd (matte)
Artist: Samantha Galletly
Mediums: Ceramics
Dimension: 5cm x 10cm x 10cm
Price: $ 15.00
Artist Statement:
This series of ceramic formed were formed molded on the organic form of a gourd. This organic shape invites a shape I would no usually create.
oh my gourd (gloss)
Artist: Samantha Galletly
Mediums: Ceramics
Dimension: 5cm x 10cm x 10cm
Price: $ 15.00
Artist Statement:
This series of ceramic formed were formed molded on the organic form of a gourd. This organic shape invites a shape I would no usually create.
oh my gourd (white)
Artist: Samantha Galletly
Mediums: Cermaics
Dimension: 5cm x 10cm x 10cm
Price: $ 10.00
Artist Statement:
This series of ceramic formed were formed molded on the organic form of a gourd. This organic shape invites a shape I would no usually create.
CDU Dry Season Immersion Course
The recent Adobe courses are CDU we’re both intense and valuable.
As the week went on the learning began to solidify much more and become something useful, not just a big scary unattainable program.
I feel much more confident to create using adobe and look forward applying many aspects of the course artistically and professionally.
Artist: Samantha Galletly
Mediums: Cardboard, wire, paper, liquid nails
Dimension: 30cm x 20cm x 25cm
Artist Statement:
Sculpture of my second born ‘Darwin Brown’, Boondie.
Dorrigo Nesting
Artist: Sam Galletly
Mediums: Gouache on wood (photograph)
Dimension: 18cm x 20cm x 1cm
Artist Statement:
These nesting dolls are of birds you might see in the New England including the Galah, Satin Bowerbird, Magpie, Rainbow Crimson Rosella and the Superb Fairy Wren.
Darwin Nesting
Artist: Samantha Galletly
Mediums: Gouche on wood (Photograph)
Dimension: 18cm x 20cm x 1cm
Artist Statement:
These nesting dolls are of birds you might see in the Top End including the Black Cockatoo, Masked owl, Curlew, Forest Kingfisher and the Gouldian Finch.
Artist: Samantha Galletly
Mediums: Gouache & model medium on board, found object
Dimension: 30cm x 35cm x 2cm
Artist Statement:
Early one morning a Kingfisher came into our house in Millner leaving us to 2 feathers as a reminder of the visit.
Self Portrait- after Haha
Artwork Title: Self Portrait- after Haha
Artist: Jocelyn Mayger
Artist Statement:
Using the multi layered stencil techniques of Haha (Melbourne Street Artist), we created self portrait with a selected colour scheme of stray paint.
Yulara Rocks
Artwork Title: Yulara Rocks
Artist: Sophie Johnson
Artist Statement:
This artwork is a remake of a photo that I took of the windswept sandstone monuments last year, when my family and I travelled to Yulara. I have noticed that most watercolour landscapes are of a very traditional style, such as Albert Namitajira’s paintings. I wanted to put a spin on this traditional style while still accurately representing the bold and vibrant colour of central Australia and therefore chose to use a cubist aesthetic. My artwork was inspired and influenced by my mother’s own unique painting style and connection to the Kimberly landscape. Her use of vibrant colours created an affect that I employed to make my painting pop, and look more modern.
Horseshoe Bay, Nhulunbuy
Artwork Title: Horseshoe Bay, Nhulunbuy
Artist: Chloe Kilburn
Artist Statement:
I was born in Nhulunbuy, we use to go camping to Horseshoe Bay once a year and it’s a very beautiful place, the water is always clear, the sky is always blue and the sand is soft and white. I was inspired Albert Namitijira, his use of dark colours objects in the background such as rocks stand out more he also used vibrant colours to represent the uniqueness of the Australian environment.
Rubbish Patch
Artwork Title: Rubbish Patch
Artist: Georgia Koch
Artist Statement:
I have created a this piece using the circular technique to create a piece. I am specifically interested in the lack of recycling in our society causing rubbish to build up in our oceans, inspiring me to create a work inspired based on the Great Pacific Rubbish Patch.
Magnificent Salt Water Crocodile
Artwork Title: Magnificent Salt Water Crocodile
Artist: Mackenzie Markey
Artist Statement:
This artwork was created on a collage of blues and greens to suit the crocs environment. Margaret Prestons prints of flora and fauna inspired this print.
Endangered Rainbow
Artwork Title: Endangered Rainbow
Artist: Nicholas Griggs
Artist Statement:
Year 7- Hand Coloured Lino Print on Paper
The piece is a lino design of a Gouldian Finch which is a colourful bird that is classified as endangered in the Northern Territory. The inspiration for this piece came from the Australian Modernist artist Margaret Preston and my love of birds, beautiful/colourful things and nature. I hope this piece reminds people to protect these wonderful birds so that it won’t be extinct. The subject matter for these pieces were all selected from the Territory Field Guide App.
Still Life- After Sánchez Cotán
Artwork Title: Still Life- After Sánchez Cotán
Artist: Kassie Bush, Kaitlyn Abram, Alyssa and Tiana Swift –
Artist Statement:
Year 10 – This collaborative piece was inspired but various still life artists including the 15th Century Spanish Baroque painter, Juan Sánchez Cotán. These compositions were created using fruit available at the local markets, selected by students for conceptual reasons. This was the group first experience painting with oils paint on canvas.
Stuart Highway
Artwork Title: Stuart Highway
Artist: Emily Davis
Artist Statement:
My artwork is of the Stuart highway just after Alice Springs at sunrise. The road is centred in the painting with the red dirt on either side of it and shadows of hills in the distance. I used techniques like flat wash, graded wash, thirsty brush, wet on wet and masking fluid. The artists that inspired me were Albert Namitijira, Barry and Lucy McCann and John Olsen.
Australis Nymph
Artwork Title: Australis Nymph
Artist: Chloe Hawthorne
Artist Statement:
The theme chosen for this work is human impact and speciesism; the prejudice against non-human species. I believe that all animals are precious and should be treated with empathy, and that our superiority as a race should be used for compassion instead of selfish needs. I was motivated to explore these ideas as I’m intrigued by the often overlooked familiarities that connect all living things.
Self Portrait – After Chuck Close
Artwork Title: Self Portrait – After Chuck Close
Artist: Willow Townsend
Artist Statement:
Year 6- Visual Art Term 1
In class we focused on the elements and Principles of art and design including colour, shape and pattern long with the grinding technique of hyper-realist Chuck Close to create self portraits. These works are A2 in size and used colour schemes that represented something about ourselves, making sure each square was different and unique.