Artwork Title: Pink Seapony
Artist: Chloe Smirk
Artist Statement:
Art is fun, I like making sculptures.
Art Educators of the NT
Artist: Pozy Dalgleish
Mediums: Weaving
Dimension: 80cm x 70cm x 10cm
Artist Statement:
These jelly fish are woven using techniques handed along by artists in Maningrida and Darwin. They incorporate upcycled materials including ghost nets and wool. Lets work together to keep plastics and other rubbish out of our oceans.
Artist: Pozy Dalgleish
Mediums: Weaving
Dimension: 100cm x 90cm x 15cm
Artist Statement:
These jellyfish are inspired by my drive to upcycle, the weaving of artists such as Aly de Groot and the pure joy of singing “3 Jelly Fish”. The jellyfish bases are upcycled takeaway lids and the weaving incorporates upcycled wool and ghost nets. These can be used as props when singing together.
The Art Educators of the NT (AENT) is a Professional Teachers Association for Visual Art educators. Focusing on visual art teaching practice.