Artist: Jantina Bos
Mediums: Paintsticks
Dimension: 86cm x 60cm x 2cm
Price: $ 200.00
Artist Statement:
Art is using a medium, observing and enjoying its chatacteristcs
Art Educators of the NT
Another Zart conference… Listening, doing, meeting and being inspired. Nothing more wonderful than learning…
Amazing key note speakers inspiring us by sharing their thoughts and ideas and great artists showing us their work practice ideas and methods. Loved Patrica Puccini’s story of how an art teacher inspired and encouraged her and to be reminded of the rewards of focus and attention when making art.
Fabulous 2 days that has left me rejuvenated, encouraged and inspired.
The Art Educators of the NT (AENT) is a Professional Teachers Association for Visual Art educators. Focusing on visual art teaching practice.