The day started with an inspirational talk by Marikit Santiago. She shared a candid account of her studio practice and connection to culture. She stated, “Work is more powerful when it comes from a personal space.” Marikit described her painting collaboration with her children, “Their voices are important”. I observed how they applied line patterns to her paintings and would like to create a student group shape and pattern project. The ink portrait workshop with Fiona was enjoyable playing with the unpredictable inks. She described many ways of working with inks and the importance of having a solid drawing as a starting point.
Inspiring Conference
Inspiring three days
During the conference I met some amazing educators from Australia and around the world, creating invaluable contacts. Taking part in the workshops and listening to the keynote speakers was inspiring. I presented my research on the importance of material handling, which generated thoughtful discussion. My favourite part of the gallery was the sculpture garden including the James Terrell immersive sculpture within without.
ZART Conference Reflection
Patricia Picinnini, what an inspirational artist! The highlight of the two-day online workshop was the keynote speaker Patricia Piccinini, her passion for illustrating care as the central point of her work and the reasons why were fascinating. I now have a greater understanding of her essential work promoting understanding and nurturing of the world. Followed closely by the keynote speaker Henry Ward, and his validation of giving students freedom and space to create their art, his recognition of the ideas machine (2009) as a process for creating art, Gather, Masticate, Digest, Eureka, and Reveal. He also discussed why building student’s confidence and resilience through the art process is as important as the final result. The principal John Goh’s keynote speech was insightful about how a school can be improved when a principal takes the potential of rich deep learning through art and design seriously, his school’s connection with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney is a stellar example of community collaboration. Their four-day art museum “camps” for students are inspirational! I completed the Keith Burt painting and the Julia Gutman montage workshops. Julia Gutman was delightful in communicating her art process and why her slow process of layering is so appealing to her.