Artist: Mandy RAINS
Mediums: Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 20cm x 25cm x 1.5cm
Price: $ 120.00
Artist Statement:
Oh to be an eagle soaring high above the desert.
Art Educators of the NT
Artist: Amanda Jane Rains
Mediums: Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 25cm x 20cm x 1.5cm
Price: $ 90.00
Artist Statement:
Toilet paper advertising always portrays very nice, serene imagery, so I thought this painting of a nice vase of bougainvillia was suitable to beg the thorny question of ‘where did all the toilet paper go during the COVID lockdowns?’
Artist: Mandy Rains
Mediums: Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 92cm x 65cm x 2cm
Artist Statement:
My work represents the evolution of (western style) housing in Darwin. From its earliest form, the tent through to current trends in housing, multi-story apartment buildings that are represented here as clusters of lantern-like images surrounding Burnett House, a shining light in tropical housing design.
Artist: Mandy Rains
Mediums: Acrylic on Canvas, Sealed Termite Mound Cross-Sections, found metal grate
Dimension: 65cm x 12.5cm x 3.5cm
Artist Statement:
A piece about what becomes revealed after the bushfires have gone through. The Termite mounds present as stark commanding structures against the burnt earth, an opportunity arises to admire the amazing chambers within the mounds and sometimes you can stumble across the most interesting pieces of metal that are revealed after the fire.
Artist: Mandy Rains
Mediums: Acrylic on Canvas, leaves and bush vine
Dimension: 25cm x 30cm x 3.5cm
Artist Statement:
On a recent camping trip out bush, I was sad to see the proliferation of the Black Wattle saplings (an invasive species native to SE Australia) in amongst the native bush land which was home to many beautiful species of Ghost Gum. In this small piece I have wrapped/strangled the Ghost Gum leaves up with a type of bush vine, that was also strangling part of a Ghost Gum. On top I have placed some Black wattle leaves shown here to be weaving their way back into the native bush, eventually choking up this area of bush land.
The Art Educators of the NT (AENT) is a Professional Teachers Association for Visual Art educators. Focusing on visual art teaching practice.