Artist: Alison dowell
Mediums: Mixed media; paper mache, paint, feathers, glue, wire, string, wool
Dimension: 10cm x 4cm x 4cm
Price: NFS
Artist Statement:
I lived in a caravan on the edge of Katherine Golf Course for a short time after arriving in the Northern Territory in 1990. Outside our caravan window in the long grass was a flock of Gouldian finches- so incredibly rare at that time we held our breath as we watched them. They continued to be endangered for many years – until very recently! They arrived and thrived- breeding in great numbers near a dam in the northern suburbs that had been earmarked for redevelopment – an extension of the Muirhead suburb. Their numbers have increased and they can now be seen at dawn all the way down to Rapid Creek Bridge. It was as if they heard the call and magically appeared causing huge waves of joy throughout the birding and conservation communities. Tourists descended from all over the world to marvel at this beautiful site and their habitat is safe…for now.